Bloody pages

M. L. Doyle
April 30, 2016

Blood_SpatterYou know that hopeful feeling you get when your pages come back from an editor, but then you open it up and all you see is red? It feels like a jab to the guts when you realize it looks as if someone killed a chicken and sprayed their sacrificial blood all over your pages. And then you understand it’s not blood. Those are edits. Hundreds and hundreds of the bloody things and you feel as if it's not a chicken's blood, but your own ripped out insides someone has danced on and smeared all over your work.

The first time I wrote something for public consumption, I’d been working as an intern for the United Way on a project to promote volunteering. I wrote a sixty second Public Service Announcement and a longer promotional video scheduled to be performed by news anchors of five networks in Minneapolis. I also shot man-on-the-street interviews of people, capturing their experiences about volunteering. Considering that I was volunteering to write it all, the topic seemed apropos.

I was young, enthusiastic and felt myself extremely lucky to work on a real project, to hear my words coming from the most prominent TV news professionals at the time and to see the work played during commercial breaks in a major market.

When I brought the scripts in for their first review, I was nervous as hell, but prepared for it all to be ripped apart. There were words I’d formed a bond with, so it was hard to see some of them go, but after hours and hours of discussion and multiple rewrites, we ended up with something that was pretty awesome. Meeting all of the news folks and watching them read my words from the teleprompter was an amazing experience. I’ll never forget how challenging it all was, or the satisfaction I had with the finished products. Even better, seeing the PSA on the air. Unforgettable.

But it all started with pages that had turned from black to a sea of red, not once but multiple times. I learned writing by committee is hard on you, but when you’re prepared for the bruises they don’t seem to hurt as much.

My most recent experience, I hadn’t been as mentally prepared to see all of the fiery letters. I thought I’d started out with a pretty good story. Sure it needed some tweaks here and there but after the millions of words I’ve written over the years since that first project, all the books and blogs and scripts and training videos and documentaries, I hadn’t been prepared for the arterial blood flow I found on the pages.

It hurt.  A lot. There were tears and at least one sleepless night.

It knocked me down a few pegs at a time when I probably needed it and reminded me that sometimes it’s better to approach every project like an intern. When did I think I knew so much?

I also remembered that, sometimes it’s best to look at some words like an ill-fated relationship. You can love them and want to keep them and imagine yourself with them forever, but if they have to go, they have to go. It may hurt at first, but fuck ‘em. After you give it some time, you may realize they only stunk up the place.

About the Author: M. L. Doyle

M. L. Doyle has served in the U.S. Army at home and abroad for more than two decades as both a soldier and civilian. Mary is the author of The Desert Goddess series, an urban fantasy romp consisting of The Bonding Spell and The Bonding Blade. She has also penned The Master Sergeant Harper mystery series which has earned numerous awards including an IPPY, a Lyra Award and the Carrie McCray Literary Award. Mary is the co-author of two memoirs; A Promise Fulfilled; the story of a Wife and Mother, Soldier and General Officer (Jan. 201) and the memoir, I’m Still Standing: From Captive U.S. Soldier to Free Citizen—My Journey Home (Touchstone, 2010), which was nominated for an NAACP Image award. Mary's work has been published by The Goodman Project, The War Horse, The WWrite Blog and The Wrath-Bearing Tree, an online magazine for which she serves as a fiction editor. A Minneapolis, Minnesota native, Mary current lives in Baltimore. You can reach her at her website at

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4 comments on “Bloody pages”

  1. Yup, I've been there! It makes you feel like everything you've written is crap. But it's not all crap, so you just cry and rage, have a glass of wine, and pick yourself up and keep on writing.

  2. yeah, I think there is no easy way to face a red edit onslaught like that. When I find it happening, especially to sections I thought were good, I find myself re-thinking everything. It knocks my confidence down a notch. Yet I want honesty from my beta readers, and sometimes I find I just can't handle the truth!

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