The opposite of rejection is acceptance. I’ve had plenty of rejection in this writing life. The stack of letters I’ve saved over the years sits in a file drawer. I keep them, thinking one day I might go back and read them again, but I never do. I just collect more.

It’s partly because of that folder full of carefully worded and imaginative ways of saying no, that I’m so excited to be a part of The Sexy Librarian’s Dirty Thirty Vol. 2, released today. My story, ‘Spider Two Come In,’ is part of this steamy erotic anthology and I couldn’t be more proud.

Acceptance, no matter how rare, makes the rejections worth it. (more…)

LP Part 1 CharlieWhat is it about doing things you’re not supposed to do that causes so much pleasure? I was such a risk taker in my younger years.  It’s amazing that I’m still alive or never went to jail…well, except for that one time…

What I mean is, considering all the crazy crap I did, I was very lucky. There'd been a time when I’d take just about any dare, try anything—at least once—and go into the wrong-headed endeavor without fear.

I don’t live that way anymore. (more…)

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